Engine Performance Diagnostics For Both Diesel & Petrol Engines
With the ever increasing demands for lower fuel consumption and lower emissions, todays motor vehicles are more complex than ever, occasionaly parts of this system fail and the modern workshop is called upon to diagnose why that little light is on in the dash.
Denbury have invested heavily in up to date diagnostic technology to cope with modern day system faults, our equipment is designed to trace faults on vehicles across the range from Alfa Romeo and Audi to Volkswagen and Volvo.
Appointments can be made for an initial diagnosic check so the nature of the fault can be established, in a lot of cases that's all that is needed to get to the route of the problem.
Call the servicing team on 01803 813744 (option 2) to book your appointment or e mail at serviceadmin@denburydiesels.co.uk